Predicate calculus

In first-order predicate calculus, a statement is called well-formed formula (wff). A wff is interpreted as making a statement about some domain of discourse.

The syntax of wffs consists of

  • logical operators: ∧, ∨, ¬, →, ⟺

  • quantifiers: ∀ (@), ∃ (!)

  • punctuation marks: , . : () {}

  • terms:

    • variable: x, y, z

    • constant: a, b, c

    • function

  • predicates

  • literals

A variable represents potentially any element from the domain of discourse. Variables are distinguished from constants by the context in which they appear: vars are always quantified, constants are not.

A constant is a specific element from the domain of discourse, a,b,joe

A function is a functional relation that maps elements in the domain of discourse to other elements in the domain, e.g. min(x,y,z), abs(x). A function has one or more arguments (1+), which are terms.

A predicate is a relation on the domain of discourse that evaluates to a Boolean value, i.e. a relation that is either true or false within the domain. A predicate has 0 or more (0+) arguments (args are terms).

Examples of predicates:

  • above(a,b) "a is above b"

  • animal(child_of((Jerry)) "the child of Jerry is an animal"

  • larger_than(square(x),x) "the square of x is larger than x"

  • hot "it is hot" (nullary predicate)

A literal is a predicate or negation of a predicate.

A WFF is defined recursively:

  • a literal is a wff

  • if w is a wff, then so is ¬w

  • if w and v are wffs, then so are: w ∧ v, w ∨ v, w → v, w <=> v

  • if w is a wff, then, for any var x, so are ∀x.w, ∃x.w

The quantifiers ∀x and ∃x are said to have scope over w, and x is a quantified variable.

The symbols representing vars are distinguishable from the symbols representing constants because the vars are always quantified, whereas constants are not.

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