
Math : The Elements of Math

The Elements of Math, or The Mathematical Canon, is a top-level category containing the most fundamental, elementary, as well as the topics that frequently reoccur throughout mathematics. This section is about overviews, listings, bullit-point summaries that best serve as quick references for already digested materials, on the one hand, but it is also a math primer describing the pervasive topics releveant in any area of math.

The DCEF method for the information intake flow:

  • DCEF: Digested - Congested - Excerpted - Forgotten

  • GGG : get - got - gotten

  • DIFS: distill - instill - forestall - stall

  • PARA: Projects - Areas  -  Resources - Archives


Indices folder/section presents many different summaries, of various levels of importance, as a list of items.

  • List of mathematical notions

  • List of mathematical objects

  • List of mathematical primitives

  • List of mathematical axioms

  • List of mathematical axioms per theory

Last updated