Abstract machine


An abstract machine is a theoretical computer used for defining a model of computation.

Abstract machines are machines because they permit step-by-step execution of programs; they are abstract because they omit many details of real hardware machines.

Abstraction of computing processes is used in both the computer science and computer engineering disciplines and usually assumes a discrete time paradigm.

In theory of computation, abstract machines are often used in thought experiments regarding computability or to analyze the complexity of algorithms.

A typical abstract machine is defined in terms of input, output, and the set of operations that turn input into output.

The best-known example of an abstract machine is the Turing machine.

Abstract data types (ADT) can be specified in terms of their operational semantics on an abstract machine. For example, a stack can be specified in terms of operations on an abstract machine with an array of memory.

Through the use of abstract machines it is possible to compute the amount of resources (time, memory, etc.) necessary to perform a particular operation without having to construct a physical system.

Turing machine Decider Linear-bounded PTIME Turing Machine Nested stack Thread automaton restricted Tree stack automaton Embedded pushdown Nondeterministic pushdown Deterministic pushdown Visibly pushdown Finite Counter-free (with aperiodic finite monoid) Acyclic finite

A stack machine type of computer (as opposed to a stack emulation in software) operates using a push-down automata. Stack is a simple structure for storing and retrieving data since with a rigid LIFO discipline (only the topmost item is accessable), which is the reason this types of machines use prefix notation with operator followed by operands.

A register machine has a flexible storage scheme; each instruction explicitly addresses specific registers which can be used to store and load operands.

A more complex definition of an abstract machines includes full instruction set, registers and models of memory. A popular model, similar to real machines, is the RAM model, which allows random access to indexed memory locations.

A virtual machine is a abstract machine implemented in software which has an interpreter.

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