Index of Logic Forms

Logic forms

  • CNF

  • DNF

  • NNF

  • implicative normal form INF

  • Skolem normal form

  • prenex normal form

Canonical forms:

  • CDNF Canonical Disjunctive Normal Form

  • CCNF Canonical Conjunctive Normal Form

  • ANF Algebraic Normal Form

  • BCF Blake Canonical Form

  • complete sum of prime implicants

An implicative normal form is the conjunction of a set of implications, each of which has a conjunction of terms on the left and a disjunction of terms on the right, ⋀[⋀(a✻) -> ⋁(s✻)]✻, like a conjunction of sequents, ⋀(a|-s)*. A nice property of classical FOL is that a formula can be reduced to INF through a series of syntactic simplifications.

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