Lambda Calculus: Church encoding
True = T: λab. a False = F: λab. b
Pair : λx. λy. λf. f x y First : λp. p (λx. λy. x) Second: λp. p (λx. λy. y)
First (Pair α β) = First (Pair α β) = (λp. p (λx. λy. x)) ((λx. λy. λf. f x y) α β) = (λp. p (λx. λy. x)) (λf. f α β) = (λf. f α β) (λx. λy. x) = (λx. λy. x) α β = (λy. α) β = α
4 different representations of lists:
Build each list node from two pairs (to allow for empty lists)
Build each list node from one pair
Represent the list using the right fold function
Repr list using Scott encoding that takes cases of match expression as args
Two pairs as a list node
A nonempty list can implemented by a Church pair
contains the headSecond
contains the tail
However this does not give a representation of the empty list, because there is no "null" pointer. To represent null, the pair may be wrapped in another pair, giving free values:
is the null pointer (empty list)Second.First
contains the headSecond.Second
contains the tail
Using this idea the basic list operations can be defined like this:
Nil = pair T T IsNil = first Cons = λh. λt. pair F (pair h t) Head = λz. First (Second z) Tail = λz. Second (Second z)
In a nil node second is never accessed, provided that head and tail are only applied to nonempty lists.
One pair as a list node
Cons = Pair Head = First Tail = Second Nil = F IsNil = λl. l (λh. λt. λd. F) T
where the last definition is a special case of the general
process-list: λl. l (λh. λt. λd. head-tail-clause) nil-clause
Represent the list using right fold
As an alternative to the encoding using Church pairs, a list can be encoded by identifying it with its right fold function. For example, a list of three elements x, y and z can be encoded by a higher-order function that when applied to a combinator c and a value n returns c x (c y (c z n)).
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