Category Theory: OUTLINE

Category theory

  • Prerequisite

    • sets

    • relations

    • functions

      • identity

      • assoc

      • injective, surjective, bijective

      • inverse

    • abstract algebra

      • algebraic structures

        • algebraic structure

          • carrier set

          • binary operation over the set

          • that together uphold a set of axioms

      • group-like structures

        • magma

        • sg

        • monoid

        • group

        • Abelian group

    • Commutative diagram

  • Basic concepts

    • category, 𝒞

    • objects, Obj(𝒞)

    • morphism/arrow, Arr(𝒞)

    • composition of arrows, (∘)

    • identity as unit of composition, (1ᴀ)

    • transitive closure

    • duality

      • opposite category

      • opposite functor

    • hom-set

    • natural transformation

  • Categories

    • category

      • category element

      • objects

        • initial object

        • terminal object

    • opposite category

    • concrete category

    • CCC, cartesian closed category

    • closed monoidal category

    • Kleisli category

    • monoid

    • groupoid category in which all morphisms are invertible

    • monad

  • Morphisms

    • arrow

    • isomorphism

    • automorphism

    • endomorphism

    • epimorphism, epic

    • monomorphism, monic

    • homomorphism

    • homeomorphism

  • Functors

    • functor, covariant functor

    • contravariant functor

    • bifunctor

    • profunctor

    • multifunctor

    • endofunctor

    • applicative functor

    • opposite functor

    • adjunction - relation on functors

      • adjoint functor

    • Exponential functor

    • representable functor


  • Essential concepts

    • category

    • functor

    • natural transformation

  • Universal constructions

    • Natural transformation

    • Universal property

    • universal construction

    • representable functor

    • CCC

    • adjunction

      • adjoint functor

      • right adjoint

      • left adjoint

    • co/limits

      • product

      • coproduct

      • limit

      • colimit

      • weighted limit

    • co/end

      • end

      • coend

    • Kan extension

    • Universal constructions

    • universal construction

    • representable functor

    • adjoint functor

    • limit

    • colimit

    • weighted limit

    • end

    • coend

    • Kan extension

  • Theorems

    • Yoneda lemma

    • Isbell duality

    • Grothendieck construction

    • adjoint functor theorem

    • monadicity theorem

    • adjoint lifting theorem

    • Tannaka duality

    • Gabriel-Ulmer duality

    • small object argument

    • Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem

    • relation between type theory and category theory

  • CT extensions

    • sheaf and topos theory

    • enriched category theory

    • higher category theory

The Yoneda lemma naturality naturality formula naturality condition groupoid symmetric groupoid Anafunctors

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