Intuitionistic type theory

  • Intuitionistic type theory (ITT)

  • Constructive type theory (CTT)

  • Martin-LΓΆf type theory (MLTT)

    • MLTT71

    • MLTT72

    • MLTT73

    • MLTT79

  • intuitionistic intensional type theory

  • intuitionistic extensional type theory

  • intuitionistic predicative type theory

  • intuitionistic impredicative type theory

  • constructive logic

  • Girard's paradox

  • dependent types

  • inductive types

  • unbounded data structures

  • judgement, entailment (turnstile), antecedents (context), conclusion

ITT types

  • Base types

    • 0 type, ⟘, bottom, the empty type

    • 1 type, (), the unit type

    • 2 type

  • Type ctors

    • Ξ£-types: dependent ordered pairs, existential quantification

    • Ξ -types: dependent functions, universal quantification

    • =-types: reflection

    • inductive types

    • universe types

      • predicative hierarchy of universes:

        • 𝒰₀, 𝒰₁, 𝒰₂, …

        • 𝒰₀ : 𝒰₁, 𝒰₁ : 𝒰₂, …

      • predicative universes

      • impredicative universes

      • super universes

      • Mahlo universes

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