BHK interpretation

The Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov (BHK) interpretation of intuitionistic logic was proposed by L. E. J. Brouwer and Arend Heyting, and independently by Andrey Kolmogorov. It is also sometimes called the realizability interpretation, because of the connection with the realizability theory of Stephen Kleene.

BHK interpretation of correspondence between intuitionistic logic, proof theory and FPLs.

The interpretation

BHK interpretation states what is intended to be a proof of a given formula, which is specified by induction on the structure of that formula.


A proof of P ⋀ Q is a pair (a,b) where a is a proof of P and b is a proof of Q


A proof of P ⋁ Q is a pair (i,b) where if i = 0 then b is a proof of P, or if i = 1 then b is a proof of Q

A witness of disjunction is given by a pair of the tag recording which case holds and its corresponding witness.

A : φ ⋁ ψ <=> A = (i, B) where i = 0 and B : φ, or i = 1 and B : ψ


A proof of P → Q is a function f that converts proofs of P into proofs of Q

  • A proof of ∃x ∈ S.φ(x) is a pair <a, b> where a ∈ S, b is a proof of φ(a)

  • A proof of ∀x ∈ S.φ(x) is a function f that converts an element a of S into a proof of φ(x)

  • The formula ¬P is defined as P → ⊥, so the proof is a function f that converts a proof of P into a proof of ⊥, but

  • There is no proof of ⊥ i.e. the absurdity or bottom type (nontermination)

The interpretation of a primitive proposition is supposed to be known from context. In the context of arithmetic, a proof of the formula s=t is a computation reducing the two terms to the same numeral.

The identity function is a proof of the formula P → P, no matter what P is.

The law of non-contradiction ¬(p ∧ ¬p) expands into p ∧ (p → ⊥) → ⊥

  • A proof of p ∧ (p → ⊥) → ⊥ is a fn that converts a proof of p ∧ (p → ⊥) into a proof of (!)

  • A proof of p ∧ (p → ⊥) is a pair of proofs <a, b>, where a is a proof of p, and b is a proof of p → ⊥

  • A proof of p → ⊥ is a function that converts a proof of P into a proof of (!)

Putting it all together, a proof of p ∧ (p → ⊥) → ⊥ is a function f that converts a pair <a, b> (where a is a proof of P and b is a function that converts a proof of P into a proof of ⊥) into a proof of ⊥. There is a function f that does this, where f(⟨a,b⟩) = b(a), proving the law of non-contradiction, no matter what P is. The same princliple provides a proof for p ∧ (p → q) → q where q is any proposition.

The law of excluded middle (LEM) p ∨ ¬p expands to p ∨ (p → ⊥), and in general has no proof. According to the interpretation, a proof of p ∨ ¬p is a pair <a, b> where a is 0 and b is a proof of p, or a is 1 and b is a proof of p → ⊥. Thus, if neither p nor p → ⊥ is provable, neither is p ∨ ¬p.


⟨pair⟩ P ∧ Q is proven by a pair <a:P, b:Q>
⟨pair⟩ P ∨ Q is proven by a pair <a=0, b:P> or <a=1, b:Q>
⟨func⟩ P → Q is proven by f: P → Q
⟨pair⟩ ∃x ∈ S.φ(x) is proven by <a∈S, b: φ(a)>
⟨pair⟩ ∀x ∈ S.φ(x) is proven by f: a∈S → φ(a)

¬p = p → ⊥
 ⊥ = ⊥ → ⊥

id = p → p

LNC: ¬(p ∧ ¬p)
p ∧ (p → ⊥) → ⊥


It is not, in general, possible for a logical system to have a formal negation operator such that there is a proof of "not" P exactly when there isn't a proof of P. The BHK interpretation instead takes "not" P to mean that P leads to absurdity, designated ⊥, so that a proof of ¬P is a function converting a proof of P into a proof of absurdity.

A standard example of absurdity is found in dealing with arithmetic. Assume that 0=1, and proceed by mathematical induction: 0=0 by the axiom of equality. Now (induction hypothesis), if 0 were equal to a certain natural number n, then 1 would be equal to n+1, (Peano axiom: S(m) = S(n) iff m=n), but since 0=1, therefore 0 would also be equal to n+1. By induction, 0 is equal to all numbers, and therefore any two natural numbers become equal.

Therefore, there is a way to go from a proof of 0=1 to a proof of any basic arithmetic equality, and thus to a proof of any complex arithmetic proposition. Furthermore, to get this result it was not necessary to invoke the Peano axiom that states that 0 is "not" the successor of any natural number. This makes 0=1 suitable as ⊥ in Heyting arithmetic; and the Peano axiom is rewritten 0 = S(n) → 0 = S(0). This use of 0=1 validates the principle of explosion.


The BHK interpretation depends on the view taken about what constitutes a function that converts one proof to another, or that converts an element of a domain to a proof. Different versions of constructivism diverge on this point.

Kleene's realizability theory identifies the functions with computable functions. It deals with Heyting arithmetic, where the domain of quantification is the natural numbers and the primitive propositions are of the form x=y. A proof of x=y is simply the trivial algorithm if x evaluates to the same number that y does (which is always decidable for natural numbers), otherwise there is no proof. These algorithm are then built up by induction into more complex ones.

If one takes lambda calculus as defining the notion of a function, then the BHK interpretation describes the correspondence between natural deduction and functions.

History of Constructivism in the XX Century - Anne Sjerp Troelstra, 1991

Proof Theory - Helmut Schwichtenberg, 2006

Five Stages Of Accepting Constructive Mathematics - Andrej Bauer 2016

Intuitionistic Mathematics And Logic - Joan Rand Moschovakis And Garyfallia Vafeiadou 2020

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