Function fixed points

A fixed point (or "fix point", or most often, "fixpoint") of a function is an input such that the function's value is equal to the input. That is, when an input x equals the output y of a function f, then x is f's fixpoint.

The graph of a function f(x) = y is a set consisting of ordered pairs (x,y) with x ∈ dom(f) and y = f(x) ∈ ran(f). Unlike domain and range, a function's codomain cannot be derived from a function's definition alone, but it must be explicitly specified, usually as a function's type signature that is of the general form f : A -> B.

f : A -> B
f x = y

// example of a concrete function:
bar :  -> 
bar x = 10 - x

The function bar in the example has a single fixpoint at x = y = 5.

where y is understood to represent the value f(x).

all the fixpoints are easily recognized as beingthe order pairs of the form (x,x). That is, a graph of a function like f(x)=y consists of the set of ordered pairs (x, f(x));

where x = y, so (x,x).

f you have a function from any set to itself, then a fixpoint of that function is any input that maps to itself. On a standard, graph you can think of these as being values that fall on the line x = y.

In general, deciding whether a function has fixpoints or not can be difficult. So there are many different fixpoint theorems. For example, Brouwer’s fixpoint theorem says that any continuous function from a closed ball into itself in Euclidean space must have a fixpoint. Another, which will be important in a bit, is the Knaster-Tarski theorem, which says that any order-preserving function on a complete lattice has a complete lattice of fixpoints.

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