Mathematical induction

Mathematical induction is a mathematical proof technique.

Mathematical induction is used to prove that a statement P(n) holds for every natural number n; that is, the overall statement is a sequence of infinitely many cases ( P(0), P(1), P(2), P(3), ... ).

Informal metaphors help to explain this technique, such as:

Mathematical induction is a method of proof we can use to prove that we can climb as high as we like on a ladder, by proving that we can climb onto the bottom rung (base case) and that from each rung we can climb up to the next one (inductive case).

A proof by induction consists of two cases. 1. The base case proves the statement for the basis (e.g. n = 0) without assuming any knowledge of other cases. 2. The inductive case (or step) proves that if the statement holds for any given case k, then it must also hold for the next case k + 1.

The simplest and most common form of mathematical induction infers that a statement about a natural number n (where n β‰₯ 0) holds for all values of n.

The proof consists of two steps: 1. The base case: prove that the statement holds for 0 2. The induction step (case): prove that for every n, if the statement holds for n, then it holds for n + 1.

In other words, assume that the statement holds for some arbitrary natural number n, and prove that the statement holds for its successor.

The hypothesis in the inductive step (that the statement holds for a particular n) is the induction (inductive) hypothesis.

To prove the inductive step, you assumes the induction hypothesis for n and then, based on this assumption, prove that the statement holds for n + 1.

Natural numbers

The first two Peano axioms are the essential for defining numbers numbers (they're not sufficient, other axioms are needed for restriction and additional properties). We let the predicate P(Ο‡) mean that Ο‡ ∈ β„•.

  1. P(0) 0 ∈ β„•

  2. P(n) -> P(n+1) n ∈ β„• -> S(n) ∈ β„•

In a PL, wee could give the inference rules for natural numbers:

              n : β„•
----- (1)   --------- (2)
0 : β„•       S(n) : β„•

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