Indexed family of sets

If we have 3 sets, A₁ Aβ‚‚ A₃, and the set Ξ” = {1,2,3}, then we can define these three sets by F = {A₁, Aβ‚‚, A₃} = { Aα΅’ | i ∈ Ξ” }

This collection of sets is called the family of sets indexed by the set Ξ”. The set Ξ” is called the indexing set. By modifying Ξ”, we can define other families of sets.

A family of enumerable (denumerable) number of sets can be defined by setting the indexing set to β„•; then we have { Aα΅’ | i ∈ β„• }, that is, a family of sets indexed by the set of the natural numbers.

An infinite family (a family of innumerable number) of sets could perhaps be defined by setting Ξ” = ℝ, but this is the same problem as the axiom of choice - can we really choose (pick one-by-one) an infinite number of elements from an uncountable set? If this were allowed, we could describe { Aα΅’ | i ∈ ℝ }.

Union and itersection of indexed family of sets

If Ξ” is an indexing set and the family of sets indexed by the set Ξ” is { Aα΅’ | i ∈ Ξ” } where each member set is a subset of the (fixed) universal set 𝓀, then we define union and itersection as folows:

i ∈ Ξ”. ⋃ Aα΅’ = { x ∈ 𝓀 . βˆƒi ∈ Ξ” . x ∈ Aα΅’ }

i ∈ Ξ”. β‹‚ Aα΅’ = { x ∈ 𝓀 . βˆ€i ∈ Ξ” . x ∈ Aα΅’ }

So, the universal set 𝓀 contains, as its members, all the sets under consideration. It also contains all sets in our indexed family of sets, F={Aα΅’}, and it also contains the (indexing) set Ξ”. So, F ∈ 𝓀, Ξ” ∈ 𝓀, Aβ‚βˆˆπ“€, Aβ‚‚βˆˆπ“€, and actually wach set Aα΅’ ∈ 𝓀. Probably in inclusion relation is Aα΅’ βŠ† F βŠ† 𝓀.

The intersection of the indexed family of sets means that, first, the indices come from the indexing set Ξ”, which presumably contains some contiguous subset of β„•, anchor at the beginning. Then it states that an arbitrary element x is a member of 𝓀 such that x is member of Aα΅’, where i means for all elements i in Ξ”. Therefore, the intersection consists of elements such that, for all element x in the intersection set, x must be found in each Aα΅’ set. Because, the intersection of sets Aα΅’ is a set whose elements are also in each set Aα΅’; i.e. they are the elements these sets Aα΅’ have in common.

The union just means that its elements come form all the sets in the indexed family of sets (with duplicates discarded).

  • union associates: ⋃ : ∨ : βˆƒ

  • intersection associates: β‹‚ : ∧ : βˆ€


$$\displaystyle{ \bigcup _{i \in \Delta } A _i = { x \in \mathcal{U} . \exists i \in \Delta . x \in A_i } }

### Intersection $$\displaystyle{ \bigcup _{i\ \in\ \Delta } A _i = \{ \ x \in\ \mathcal{U}\ .\ \forall\ i\ \in \Delta\ . x \in A_i\ \} }

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